Firstly, here is a nice movie made by Edgar which shows and explains what we're doing here, wo we are and all those beautiful smiles.
We've been working on the shredder and the extrusion machines during october and november. Exept some small struggle with the motor and the electriciy we're really happy to announce you that they're working very well now.
Before putting the plastic into the machines we have to collect it, sort it and clean it. It's nice to have some help from outsiders sometimes, just like in this picture.
Our workshop is today organized to store the different plastics (our favorite raw material) after having them separating.
The community decided to buy 10 beans that will be used a bit everywhere in the village, in front of the guesthouses or in the street. Then we bought 10 others, smaller, that will be stored next to them. We will put some signs on it saying « you can only put that kind of plastic here : straws, cups, caps, and hard plastic with a number 2,4 or 5 » (plastic that we're able to recycle). Then we hope to collect more plastic that we can use.
Those trash beans will soon be decorated with the kids of the school.
We had a new volonteer on this month who helped us a lot. Roman went to the school to talk about plastic pollution but also learnt how to make some concrete. He's actually making a video with Edgar, talking about the life of a plastic cap.
Aaaaand.... there are our first objects : bowls, pot, beams:) the most exciting part of the project is starting and we're really happy to reach the creative phase.
We would like to thanks all the people that contribuated to the crowfunding, soon you'll receive some recycled plastic gifts.
We wish you a merry christmas and an happy new year ! See you in the next newsletter after a beautiful christmas in the tropics !